Is there anything more tragic than a tragic romance?
Two people desperately longing to be together versus a seemingly insurmountable obstacle to their happily ever after.
It could be an illness, a villain, or even a class system vowing to keep the lovers apart, but in Portrait of Jennie it is the concept of time itself. And by the end of the tale, Nathan leaves his readers wondering if what they read was really a tragedy afterall.
Robert Nathan’s romantic ghost story has been immortalized by the 1948 film produced by David O. Selznick starring Jennifer Jones and Joseph Cotten, enchanting viewers with its memorable performances, entrancing mystery, and striking imagery.
If you’ve been around my blog for a while, you know I adore this unusual movie. So I knew I had to review the source material for the Summer Reading Challenge hosted by Raquel Stecher at Out of the Past.
How does the book hold up compared to this classic film you may ask?
Since I’ve already reviewed the film on my blog, I won’t be going into details about the masterful production. I can only recommend it wholeheartedly.
The book…well?
In all honesty, I have such mixed feelings. On one hand, I think it is a brilliant, beautiful piece that is the prototype for magical realism. On the other, I feel it is lacking an essential element to tie it all together.
The connection between Eben and Jennie.
It is as if Robert Nathan assumes we already know of and believe in the symbiosis of our main characters and doesn’t feel the need to expand on their friendship and eventual romance.
Now I suppose this can work because the fantastical elements warrant a degree of ambiguity and mystery, but I prefer the film’s approach which prioritizes the development of our characters and their blossoming relationship as an integral part of the story.
Closing Thoughts
Am I glad i read this? Yes!
Robert Nathan’s lyrical prose is absorbing in its depth and detail. He draws the reader into his atmospheric mood piece with profound questions and statements on art, life, love, death, and time.
I find Nathan to be an underrated author and would gladly read more of his work.
Now I know what to expect when I do.
“I’m thinking how beautiful the world is, Eben; and how it keeps on being beautiful – no matter what happens to us. The spring comes year after year, for us, or Egypt; the sun goes down in the same lovely sky; the birds sing…for us, or yesterday…or for tomorrow.
It was never made for anything but beauty, Eben – whether we lived now, or long ago.”
“Tomorrow,” I said. “But when is tomorrow, Jennie?”
“Does it matter?” she asked.
“It’s always. This was tomorrow – once. Promise me you’ll never forget.”
Robert Nathan, Portrait of Jennie
My wonderful friend Lee also read this book for the Summer Reading Challenge. Head on over to her YouTube channel for classic film goodness and more thoughts on Portrait of Jennie!