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The “I Love Lucy” Tag

Hello, friends!

Here we are a little more than a month away from the start of The I Love Lucy Blogathon: Celebrating the Talent Behind the Laughs! As promised, here is a tag for you to share your memories while celebrating Lucy and the gang 🙂 Answer as many or as few as you would like…The only rule is to “think Lucy” and have fun!

  1. When did you first start watching I Love Lucy?
  2. What are your favorite I Love Lucy episodes? (A list of 5 -10, that kind of thing)
  3. What’s your favorite Lucy disguise or costume? (Grape stomping outfit, Martian costume, Carmen Miranda, etc.)
  4. If you could own one prop from the show, what would it be?
  5. Which secondary character do you enjoy the most? (Like Mrs. Trumbull, Little Ricky, etc)
  6. You’re planning a get together with Lucy, Ricky, Fred & Ethel. What is the order of the day?
  7. Which I Love Lucy catchphrase do you find yourself using the most?
  8. What’s your favorite musical moment from the show?
  9. If I Love Lucy had a “lost episode” that you could watch, what kind of plot would you want?
  10. What’s something you’ve learned from I Love Lucy about comedy, relationships, or life?
  11. Why do you think I Love Lucy has remained popular for so many generations?

I can’t wait to read your answers during the blogathon!! See ya then <3

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