Hello, all! I sincerely hope you are keeping well and staying safe. The delightful Miriam @CineGratia and Lee @TotalleeLeeMac have created a super fun tag to get us all out of the slump that we find ourselves in these days and get our brains going! And what better way to do that than to talk about the movies we love. Thanks for putting this together, guys! It definitely got my brain on the right track again – a much needed tonic 🙂 You’ll want to check out their tag videos here and here.
Miriam and Lee have provided 10 questions to answer (which seem harder than they look at first glance!) that you can respond with via social media or a blog post using the hashtag #ClassicFilmFangirlingTag.
So without further ado, let’s begin…
1. If there is one film whose quotations you identify with the most, which one would it be?

If I can twist the word ‘identify’ a bit to mean ‘resonate’ then I would absolutely choose Gone With the Wind (1939). This movie has meant so much to me throughout the years and Scarlett’s famous line “After all, tomorrow is another day” is one of the reasons why. There’s hope in knowing that there is a tomorrow – that things don’t always stay the same, that the future offers new opportunities for personal growth, for fulfilling our dreams, and for the betterment of our world.
2. Name a minor character from a film whose backstory you would love to see explored in a spin-off film of their own.
I’m having a hard time coming up with a backstory I’d like to see but I can think of a sequel! The film noir Leave Her to Heaven (1945) boasts one of the most monstrous female characters in film, but hidden in her shadow is the quiet, meek adopted sister, Ruth (played by Jeanne Crain). At the film’s end it makes me think of what happens to Ruth and Richard after the credits roll. Could they find happiness after what happened? Do the shadows of the past creep into their marriage? I’d like to know…
3. If you could have been an extra in any film, which one would it have been?

For this answer I’m going with Top Hat (1935). I love musicals and where the music is – is where I want to be. Imagine standing on the side lines and seeing Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers dance together IN PERSON. Absolutely magical…after that experience I could die a happy girl!
Which scene would you have loved to have been part of?
I would love to have been a dancer in the big production number “The Piccolino.” There is some fun, outrageous, Berkeley-esque business going on with streamers and an extravagant big-white-set (Venetian style) that only RKO could produce!
4. If you could have attended any film premiere in history, which one would it have been?

Cat People (1942) was unlike anything audiences had seen up to that time. They were used to “creature features” such as Universal’s string of successful horror flicks, whereas in Cat People the monster was suggested and hardly seen. It would have been fun to be in the audience and get caught up in the story with them – to jump with them at the jump scares, and to scream with fright during the pool sequence.
5. If you could have signed up with a studio of the era which one would you have chosen and why?
This is an easy one for me to answer. I would have gone with MGM. The films they made, the stars and creatives they had under contract are among my personal favorites. I also love the prestige, glamour, and sophistication associated with the studio.
6. If you could take a prop/souvenir from one of your favorite classic films what would it be?

It’s all about the shoes! The Wizard of Oz (1939) contains some of the most iconic images in cinema, and the ruby slippers might just be at the very top of the list. Never failing to bring wonder and magic to audiences of all ages, the slippers are a symbol of adventure, magic, imagination, and a reminder that no matter where life takes us, our home is where our heart truly belongs.
I’ve been fascinated with these shoes forever. Not only are they sparkly, beautiful, and nostalgic, they are the ultimate symbol of Hollywood studio era moviemaking at its finest.
7. Which classic film character’s wardrobe would you most like to raid?

I’ve answered this question on an award post before which I’ll link right here, but there so many beautiful costumes in film that this question could be answered a million different ways! So, today I’m going with Gene Tierney as Lili Duran from On the Riviera (1951) with designs by Oleg Cassini. Not only does Lili have the perfect loungewear (and bedroom), she’s all set for the beach, and the ballroom as well.
8. Which restaurant, cafe, or other eatery featured in a classic film would you love to dine at?

I’ve always been intrigued by The Brown Derby ever since seeing the I Love Lucy episode “L.A. At Last.” The idea that the walls were covered with pictures of the movie stars who floated around in that eatery sounded so exciting! The Brown Derby is featured in some classic movies such as What Price Hollywood (1932).
When I went to Disney World a few years ago, I simply HAD to eat at the recreated restaurant at Hollywood Studios theme park. It was a lot of fun, but imagine my disappointment when no movie stars strolled in!
9. If you could have dinner or coffee (at that place) with a star, who would it be and why?
Again, I’ve answered this on that same award post, but I’m always up for meeting another film star! If I was going to The Brown Derby, I would be remiss if I didn’t choose to go with with William Holden 😉
10. If you could have attended an Oscar gala, which year would you pick?

1940! The energy and creativity that was in the air that night must have been inspiring to absorb, and how thrilling it would have been to see GWTW sweep the awards, to hear Vivien Leigh’s acceptance speech for her Best Actress Oscar, to see “Over the Rainbow” win for Best Original Song. A legendary and unforgettable night to be sure!
And that’s it…Stop by Miriam and Lee’s YouTube channels for some more classic film goodness – you’ll be glad you did!

Thanks for reading and for visiting The Classic Movie Muse!
Gone With the Wind certainly has some fantastic quotes! Oh, the ruby slippers are pure nostalgia! Good choices for these questions.
Thanks, this was a lot of fun to do! 🙂
Thank you so much for participating in the tag! It was wonderful to read through your answers. Beautifully written and well thought out (we really did throw some tough ones in there!)
I am yet to see ‘Cat People’ and am now desperate to do so 😉
I agree with you 100% re. Ruth and Richard. It would be very hard to carry on and hold a marriage together – especially when it will always consist of 3 people…. 😉
So glad you enjoyed the tag and took part ❤
I am slowly working my way through your blog. Scribbling down copious amounts of notes as I go 😉
'I, Toto' has definitely been added to my TBR! x
Thank you for the kind words, Lee, I appreciate it very much! 🙂 It was a blast to write this post.
Ohh please do let me know what you think after you see Cat People – I’m excited for your first time viewing!
Glad you agree on Ruth and Richard! It would be very difficult to make it work, but sure would make for a great story 😉
Enjoy ‘I, Toto’! It’s a gem.
Thanks again for stopping by and for your very lovely comment <3
What a great idea for a tag! Your answers have inspired me to think more about the classic films that have left a special place in my heart! On my blog, I have a award I created called “Sally’s Star of the Year”. If you’re interested, you can submit your nomination at this link:
I loved your answers! Can’t believe I didn’t mention Dorothy’s famous ruby slippers in my post haha! I would love to have a pair of them – there were nine made, right?
Thanks for reading, Veebs! I read online that there were anywhere from five to ten pairs made so there’s plenty to go around 😉 There’s a book about the slippers that I must get, you might have read it already. It’s called The Ruby Slippers of Oz by Rhys Thomas.
No, I haven’t heard of that book – until now, that is 😉 I’ll look it up online. Thanks so much for the recommendation!
Like you, I would’ve loved to go to the Brown Derby back in the day.
These are tough questions – so hard to choose just one – but I really liked your answers.
I’ll hold a table for us, Ruth 🙂 Would love to see your answers if you decide to do the tag! Thanks for stopping by.
Thank you for bringing this to my attention! This sounds like so much fun! I love your answers. You made some great choices. I love Gene Tierney’s wardrobe, as well. I am already thinking of my own answers to these questions.
By the way, I nominated you for The Sunshine Blogger Award: https://pureentertainmentpreservationsociety.wordpress.com/2020/04/27/the-sunshine-blogger-award-from-sally-silverscreen/. In this post, I also invited you to participate in my monthly guest series, What the Code Means to Me. I look forward to hearing from you!
Yours Hopefully,
Tiffany Brannan