Bernard Herrmann – a man who contributed so much to the movies through his statement making music – leading us from the undiscovered realms of the world to the deepest parts of our human souls.

Although his name will forever be tied to the iconic films of Alfred Hitchcock, we as classic movie fans know that Herrmann wrote the film scores for many beloved classics before and after he met up with the Master of Suspense including Citizen Kane, The Ghost and Mrs. Muir, and The Day the Earth Stood Still, to name but a few. However, the Oscar winning composer was not constrained to the the silver screen, his work also extended to radio, television, and the concert hall.
During the spooky season leading to Halloween, I can think of no better time to sit back and soak up the mysterious sounds Herrmann conjured for the moving image and beyond.
Not a fan of suspense thrillers? No problem. Herrmann composed for many different genres including drama, fantasy, sci-fi, film noir, adventure, and Westerns. For a list of movies and more….Click HERE.
Stuck for ideas? For an update and list of films ripe for the picking…Click HERE.

The Nitty Gritty
1. For this blogathon you may write about anything pertaining to Bernard Herrmann. You may discuss his life, a book about him, his work in radio and television, his collaborations with Alfred Hitchcock, Orson Welles, or Ray Harryhausen. Or you may choose to review a film Herrmann collaborated on (The Birds counts too!). Top lists are acceptable as well.
2. Because Herrmann’s work is so expansive, I’m asking that a topic or film be covered only once (ouchies, I know!); however, if someone chooses an overview of his collaborations with Hitchcock for example, another writer may choose to review a specific film from said collaboration, etc.
3. I will be accepting no more than 2 posts per person. All contributions must be new material only.
4. I’m asking participants who choose to review a film to pick one from Herrmann’s career ranging from 1941 – 1965.
5. Whatever you choose, please make sure to mention the contribution of this great master as that’s what we are celebrating through this blogathon. Also, please keep the posts respectful, otherwise they will not be accepted.
6. In your post, please link back to my blog and the post that I will release on October 29th so that others may read the fabulous entries.
7. To express your interest in participating, simply leave me a comment below with the name and URL of your blog and your topic of choice. I will add you to the roster once I’ve confirmed your topic.
8. The blogathon will take place on Halloween weekend, October 29th-31st, 2021. Please publish and send your link to me on a day that the event is running…And that’s it!
This is the first blogathon that The Classic Movie Muse has had the pleasure of hosting and I’m excited to celebrate Bernard Herrmann with you! Please choose a banner from down below to help spread the word and to include in your blog post.
Thank you, and I will see you in October!
List of Participants:
The Classic Movie Muse | Visiting the Maestro: The Final Resting Place of Bernard Herrmann in Elmont, New York
Realweegiemidget Reviews | Marnie (1964)
The Classic Film Connection | Psycho (1960)
Classic For a Reason | Vertigo (1958)
Silver Screen Classics | TBA
I Found It At the Movies | North by Northwest (1959)
Caftan Woman | Jason and the Argonauts (1963)
Taking Up Room | The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951)
Hamlette’s Soliloquy | Jane Eyre (1943)
Diary of a Movie Maniac | Hangover Square (1945)
18 Cinema Lane | The Trap (1959)
In the Good Old Days of Classic Hollywood | Cape Fear (1962)
Wolffian Classic Movies Digest | The Ghost and Mrs. Muir (1947)
Coffee, Classics, and Craziness | Top 5 Favorite Herrmann Soundtracks
Journeys in Classic Film | The Wrong Man (1956)
The Flapper Dame | Garden of Evil (1954)
Critica Retro | The Devil and Daniel Webster (1941)
Silver Screenings | Five Fingers (1952)
Magic Time | The Man Who Knew Too Much (1956)
Poppity Talks Classic Film | The Birds (1963)
A Full Rich Blather | The Trouble with Harry (1955)
Nitrateglow | On Dangerous Ground (1951)
Second Sight Cinema | Citizen Kane (1941)

Can you please add me with MARNIE (1964), Great topic BTW…
Absolutely! Thank you for joining and great choice!
Thanks, just announced one too,,,
Hi! Thanks for the like, the follow, and the invitation. I’m just popping over to leave part of my reply here, so you’ll have all of your requests in the same place:
I’ll take The Man in the Gray Flannel Suit (1956). Unfortunately, it doesn’t fit with the spooky / suspenseful Halloween season – but I’ve seen it, and it’s more my style. (Plus, it seems to be a bit of an anomaly among his other films.) I’m inspired already!
Great, thanks! Can’t wait to read it.
I’d be happy to review “Vertigo” with a focus on Bernard Hermann! My website is Thanks for sponsoring this! It should be fun.
Sounds wonderful, I’ll add you now. Thanks for joining, Belinda!
This is such a great idea! I’d love to tackle The Wrong Man (as long as it’s still available) over on Journeys in Classic Film.
Thank you so much for the heads up!
You’ve got it! Thanks so much for joining us, Kimberly!
This looks interesting and I’ll get back to you on a topic. Thanks!
So glad you will be joining us! Thank you 🙂
Please put me down for North by Northwest.
A great film with a fantastic soundtrack. 🙂
Agreed 🙂 Terrific choice! Thank you for joining, Debbi!
I could spend more time thinking about my topic, but I won’t be able to rest until the decision is made. I would like to contribute a piece on Jason and the Argonauts, 1963.
Fabulous! It’s all yours. Thanks for joining, Paddy!
Would love you to join, if you’ve time…
Hi, I think I’d like to write about “The Day the Earth Stood Still,” please! Looking forward to this. 🙂
Oh, and thanks! (I hit Return too quick, lol)
You got it! Thanks for joining, Rebecca. Glad to have you aboard!
You’re very welcome, and thanks so much! This will be fun. 🙂
I’d like to contribute a review of the soundtrack for Jane Eyre (1943) at Hamlette’s Soliloquy — I’ve reviewed the film already, but I have been meaning to restart my series in which I discuss soundtracks themselves, and this seems like a good impetus for me to do that!
Sounds great! Thanks for joining us, Rachel!
P. S. LOVE that idea for a series! Can’t wait to read those.
I posted the first entry in that new series this afternoon 🙂 Thanks for the kick!
I want to write about Hangover Square (1945), Herrmann’s first thriller. 🙂
Such a great one! I remember being blown away after seeing it. Thanks for joining, Eric!
The Ghost and Mrs. Muir i would love to review as my choice for this event.
You got it! Thank you for joining.
I’m so glad I stumbled across this blogathon! Hermann is one of my favorite composers. I would like to do a ‘top five’ list of my favorite soundtracks of his, if that’s okay!
Welcome to the party! That sounds great…thank you for joining 🙂
Hi! id like to do Garden of evil 1954- been wanting to watch for a long while- this is a great chance to do so!!! Emily for the Flapper dame
That works out perfectly…Thanks for joining, Emily!
I’d like to write about The Devil and Daniel Webster (1941), please!
Le from Critica Retro (
Absolutely, awesome choice! Thank you for joining, Le!
Hi. I’ve finally settled on a topic. Can you put me down for “Cape Fear” ( 1962 ) please?
It’s yours, Crystal…Thank you for joining! Did my comment go through for your Anne Bancroft blogathon?
Thanks. I don’t recall receiving any comment regarding my Anne Bancroft Blogathon. I would have replied otherwise.
Okay! I’ll leave my request here then… If it’s ok, I’d like to cover Gorilla at Large (1954).
Perfect. It’s quite an underrated film in my opinion. Thanks for joining.
I couldn’t agree more. Thanks! Looking forward to it.
Hi there! I’d love to do Five Fingers (1952), if it hasn’t been taken already.
Hi Ruth! Sure thing, thanks for joining!
Would it be alright if I switched to Psycho? I just shared my “Psycho story” with somebody (Psycho is the reason I’m skittish about Hitchcock), and I think I could make a really good post out of it. 🙂 It would be criminal to let to go uncovered, and the music IS incredible. Plus, it’s more in line with the spooky Halloween season. And I can always cover Gray Flannel Suit another time. Or, if it would be better for me to stick with it now, I’ll be happy to do that. 🙂
Sure! I’ll update the roster now 🙂
Awesome! 😀 Thanks! I’m excited. This is gonna be good – and it’ll be therapeutic for me to face Psycho again. 😉
Thank you! Sounds great 🙂
Could I write about The Man Who Knew Too Much? Thank you!
Absolutely! Thank you for joining 🙂
Can I write about Obsession?
Thank you for your interest in the blogathon, Nitrateglow! Please notice on the announcement post we are focusing on Herrmann’s career from 1941-1965. I hope you find something to your liking!
Oh darn– sorry! I’ll relook.
No worries! Let me know if you have any questions or if you would like recommendations based on your tastes. I’ll do my best to help you find a topic that interests you! 🙂
Hello! Just wanted to say hello and ask if I could write about The Trouble With Harry, if it is still available!
Oh and here’s a link to my blog: and thank you!
Hello, Benjaminawink! You most certainly may. I have been hoping someone would snatch this one up. Thank you and welcome to the blogathon! 🙂
Is On Dangerous Ground still available? I’ll take that if so.
Yes, it is. Looking forward to reading your thoughts on it 🙂 Thank you for joining, Nitrateglow!
Hi there, here’s my blogathon entry… wait no longer…
from Gill at Realweegiemidget Reviews
Thanks, Gill!! 😀 Great way to kick off the blogathon!
Thanks for your heartwarming comments, I’m so glad you liked my take on this film.
Hi! Here’s my blogathon entry! And here I thought I’d published it too early by mistake! 🙂
Really interesting subject, BTW! 🙂
Thanks, Debbi!! 🙂 So glad you enjoyed taking a closer look at Herrmann!
Hi there! My entry on 5 Fingers is here:
Thanks for hosting this fab blogathon!
Thank you, Ruth!! The pleasure is all mine 🙂
Here’s my post:
Thanks so much, Nitrateglow!!
Hi! Here is my review of Hangover Square (1945):
Thanks, Eric! 🙂
Hey, I hope I’m not too late with Citizen Kane…
Hi! Not at all. Thank you, Lesley! 🙂