Fanfare, please!!
One of the silver screen’s most mysterious and haunting beauties — Kim Novak — will celebrate her 89th Birthday this year!!
We are so blessed to have her with us, not only as a living legend, but as an artist who keeps on giving more of herself through her continued creativity and self expression with her masterful paintings, sculptures, and poetry.
And since she is a favorite of mine, this fascinating actress and artist will be celebrated with…what else? A blogathon!

Born on February 13, 1933, Marilyn Pauline Novak was an early Valentine’s Day gift to the world.
Kim was Columbia’s answer to Fox’s Marilyn Monroe and a replacement for their reigning queen, Rita Hayworth, but Columbia wasn’t entirely prepared for the woman who walked through their doors.
Standing up to studio moguls, starting her own production company, then turning her back on the town which brought her fame, she chose a peaceful life as a veterinarian’s wife in Oregon.

Once torn apart by the critics, but now praised for her performances in classics such as Vertigo, The Man with the Golden Arm, and Picnic, she has emerged as a star that time could not diminish.
When the world started to appreciate her sensitivity and talent, audiences learned that her beauty extended to her soul and spirit.

Please join me as I pay tribute to the living legend, Miss Kim Novak.
She deserves all the love we can give her.

The Nitty Gritty
1. For this blogathon you may write about anything pertaining to Kim Novak. You may review her films, television work, books about her, or you may choose to discuss her present life as a caretaker and lover of animals and as a mental health activist. Whatever you choose, please keep your content respectful, otherwise it will not be accepted.
2. A topic may be covered no more than 2 times, however this does not apply to subjects on listicles.
3. I will be accepting no more than 2 posts per person. All contributions must be new material only.
4. Whatever you choose, please make sure to mention Kim in your post as she is the reason we are celebrating!
5. In your post, please include one of the blogathon banners and link back to my blog and the post that I will release on February 25th so that others may read the wonderful entries.
6. To express your interest in participating, simply leave me a comment below with the name and URL of your blog and your topic of choice. I will add you to the roster once I’ve confirmed your topic.
7. The blogathon will take place on February 25th-28th, 2022. Please publish and send your link to me on a day that the event is running…And that’s it!
Please help yourself to a banner from down below to include in your post and to help spread the word. I cannot wait to celebrate the 89th Birthday of Kim Novak with you!

Thank you – See you in February!
Topics No Longer Available
Vertigo (1958)
Pushover (1954)
Picnic (1955)
Bell, Book, and Candle (1958)
List of Participants
The Classic Movie Muse | Book Review – Kim Novak: Her Art and Life
Ticklish Business/Journeys in Classic Film | Strangers When We Meet (1960)
The Sacred in the Secular | Vertigo (1958)
The Sacred in the Secular | Bell, Book, and Candle (1958)
Realweegiemidget Reviews | The Mirror Crack’d (1980)
Taking Up Room | Vertigo (1958)
Pale Writer | Pushover (1954)
Magic Time | The Notorious Landlady (1962)
The Wonderful World of Cinema | Picnic (1955)
I Found it at the Movies | Book Review – Kim Novak: Reluctant Goddess
Silver Screenings | Pushover (1954)
18 Cinema Lane | The Man with the Golden Arm (1955)
Box Office Poisons | Boys’ Night Out (1962)
Phyllis Loves Classic Movies | Phffft (1954)
In the Good Old Days of Classic Hollywood | Picnic (1955)
Movies Meet Their Match | Kim Novak’s Appearance on What’s My Line?
Totalleemac | Thank You, Kim Novak: From One Artist to Another
Diary of a Movie Maniac | Middle of the Night (1959)
Critica Retro | Bell, Book and Candle (1958)
Whimsically Classic | Pal Joey (1957)

Ooh! Fun! I will claim Vertigo for now, and maybe Bell, Book, and Candle later — if no one else claims it. 🙂
You’ve got it, Charity. Thanks so much for joining! 🙂
Ooooh! I’d love to tackle Strangers When We Meet (1960). Ticklish Business/Journeys in Classic Film).
Love that one, Kimberly! It’s yours 🙂 Thank you for joining!
My Dad shares his birthday with Kim Novak, also with Peter Tork of The Monkees, Oliver Reed, ‘Tennessee’ Ernie Ford, Stockard Channing, Susan Oliver, among a few. Granted, Ms. Novak was born 21 before my Dad, but it’s still pretty cool he does share the day. Good luck with the Blog-a-Thon Muse.
Indeed, that is pretty cool and a great day to be born! Thanks for the well wishes, Moviefanman! 🙂 ❤
You are such a natural at picking fantastic blogathon topics, can you add me with The Mirror Crack’d (1980)…
I appreciate the lovely compliment, Gill, as your blogathons are always a great time 🙂 Absolutely! Thanks for joining, dear ❤
Tag @Realweegiemidg1 for my blogging group on Twitter and I can share your posts on there. Do you want me to share them in the Facebook group too?
Will do, thanks! I’m not on Facebook, but if you’d like to share them there, that’s perfectly fine with me. Very kind of you, Gill! ❤
No problems, there are quite a lot of bloggers who don’t have Facebook so you not alone.
Consider it done…
You’re a doll 💗
Just use that tag if you want any posts retweeted or added to Facebook..
Hi! This is such a great idea. I’d like to write about “Vertigo,” if that’s OK.
Hi, Rebecca! Thank you and Happy New Year! You’ve got it 🙂 Glad to have you aboard.
Hello 🌸 May I please write about Pushover (1954)?
Hi and Happy New Year! Absolutely! Thanks very much for joining 🙂
Happy new year! 🌟 thank you 🌸
This looks so fun. I would love to write about Kim’s movie The Notorious Landlady. (Might add another selection later if it’s still open, but I’m still thinking lol). Thanks for the invite!
Love that one! Thank you for joining, Laurie! Always a pleasure to have you 🙂
That’s a great idea for a blogathon and I love your banners! 🙂 I would like to write about Picnic 🙂
I’m at The Wonderful World of Cinema:
You’ve got it! Thanks so much for joining, Virginie 🙂 Glad you love the banners!
Hi! I’d like to review a book called Kim Novak, Reluctant Goddess, assuming I can get a copy from the library in time. 🙂
It’s either that or Kim Novak in The Man with the Golden Arm. That’s a film I have ready access to.
Hi Debbi! Sure, I’ll add you with Reluctant Goddess for now. I’m curious about that book myself, so fingers crossed your library has it! 😉
If not, Golden Arm is an excellent choice! Thank you for joining! 🙂
I’d love to do Pushover, if still available. Can’t wait for this blogathon – will be tons o’ fun!
It’s yours, Ruth! Thanks very much for joining 🙂 I can’t wait either! 😉
Hello! May I join by reviewing ‘The Man with the Golden Arm’?
Hi Sally! Absolutely! Glad to have you aboard 🙂
Thanks! Looking forward to seeing the film!
I’d love to participate and write about one of my favourites: Boys’ Night Out!
Jess at Box Office Poisons
Hi, Jess! It’s all yours! Thank you for joining 🙂
Put me down for “Phffft” (1954). I’ve been wanting to rewatch it for a while!
Will do. Thanks for joining, Phyl! 🙂
I’m in. Can I write about “Picnic” please?
My blog: In The Good Old Days Of Classic Hollywood.
It’s all yours. Thank you for joining! 🙂
I know shockingly little about Kim Novak. 🙂 Of course, an answer to that would be to do a little research and choose a topic for the blogathon – but unfortunately, I think it’s best for me to wait before committing to this one. :/ Things are especially hectic at work right now, and I have a post (or maybe two) of my own I’d like to get out, if I have time. This stressful period is supposed to be temporary, although there’s no specific date (or even a ballpark guess) as to when things might calm down. 🙁 If life returns to normal and I’m inspired with an idea in time to participate, I’ll be happy to contribute. 🙂 If not, you’ll be minus one participant – but you can count on a guaranteed reader! 😉
Hi Jillian, Happy New Year! 🙂 No worries. Would love to have you, but I understand if you’re unable to! Oh, forgot to mention I watched the Ray Bolger episode! It was very cute and enjoyable 🙂
I also wanted to mention to you that Gill from Realweegiemidget Reviews started a Twitter group for bloggers if you’re interested in joining.
And I have a question, did you hear anything back from Classic Movie Hub?
Happy New Year to you, too! <3 I’m sorry for the delayed reply. Work was so hectic last week, I’ve been in survival mode. 🙁 But the good news is, it should begin to calm down starting this week, so there is light at the end of this crazy tunnel. 🙂 I am so looking forward to getting back to normal!
I’m glad you enjoyed the Ray Bolger episode. 😀 To me, it’s like an instant shot of Christmas cheer. <3 But you know, I think there’s a scene missing. :/ It’s only 20 minutes long, which is a bit shorter than most programs (especially since commercials didn’t eat up as much time back then), and there’s someone credited as “An Old Friend” who never makes an appearance. I think he delivers that package he took out of Jenny’s cart to an old friend. But any YouTube upload of the episode I’ve ever seen is exactly the same length and doesn’t include the “old friend”. If I ever happen to come upon a longer cut, I’ll let you know. 🙂
I also adore how he can say absolutely anything, and it sounds sweet and pleasant. Like, he tells his niece, “As much as I appreciate the thought, the thought IS appalling.” 😀 Uh…Gee, thanks, Uncle Ray? 😉
Oooo…I will check out Gill’s group sometime soon. I’ll have to create a Twitter account. I had Twitter once, but I deleted it shortly before starting this blog, because I didn’t have many friends there and it basically served no purpose. But that was before I began to explore the classic film blogging community. 🙂 Thanks for letting me know!
And yes, I heard back from Annmarie once, but not recently. If you’re talking about the BlogHub, I emailed her my answers to the application questions when nothing happened after I submitted them. I thought since I had to email her to activate my account, maybe I needed to do the same to join the BlogHub. She replied in a timely manner and said the BlogHub feature was down and it may be months before it was working again and could accept new authors. I thanked her, invited her to visit my blog, and asked her to let me know when the BlogHub was operational again – but I haven’t heard anything from her since. That was back when we first looked into this (in October or November?), so maybe it’s just not fixed yet. Have you heard from her?
Thanks! No worries. Oh, that is good news! I’m glad you will be getting to relax more. Agreed 🙂 Ray Bolger, like Doris Day, is one of those sunshine-y people. They both had a positive, uplifting aura.
OK cool! You’re welcome 🙂 Nope, I haven’t heard back from BlogHub, so I’m assuming that feature is still down. I’m sure they are working on it and it will be back up before we know it 🙂 Hope you’re having a great week, Jillian! ❤
This is so fun that you have such a cool topic picked for your third blogathon! I’m so sorry that I haven’t been able to join in on the other two. I have to admit…I’ve never seen a Kim Novak movie! This needs to be fixed. I know that my family has a copy of Vertigo that I need to watch (hello, Jimmy Stewart?), so maybe I’ll watch that sometime, but not for this blogathon.
All the same, I want to participate to make up for missing the others! And I think I have the perfect thing. I see that she was in an episode of What’s My Line, so even though it was just the one, I’d like to talk about that, please! Would that work? That will be fairly easy for me to put together during non-school hours and I think it will be a good introduction to her.
Happy New Year!
Chloe the MovieCritic | Movies Meet Their Match
Hi Chloe, and Happy New Year! No worries about missing the others 🙂 Yes, that’s a great idea! I will add you with that. Might I suggest sometime for your viewing pleasure, Bell, Book, and Candle made the same year as Vertigo also with Jimmy Stewart. Also, there are a few Kim Novak movies available on YouTube if in the future you’re wanting to familiarize yourself with some of her work!
Thank you for joining! 🙂
Great excuse to finally break into my Novak DVD set! I’m choosing Middle of the Night, which I’ve never seen before.
Woohoo! Thanks a bunch for joining, Eric 🙂 Ah, nothing like a first time watch, and if I remember correctly, Ms. Novak has said that is one of her favorites.
First we saw her was in Vertigo with a famous actor from “It’s a Wonderful Life.”
Great film! She and Jimmy Stewart are wonderful in Vertigo.
Hi! I’d like to write about Bell, Book and Candle (1958), please!
Le from Critica Retro (
Hi Le! That would be great…thank you for joining! 🙂
Can I write about “Pal Joey” ?
Absolutely! Thank you for joining 🙂
Hi there, here is my post for the Blogathon… looking forward to discovering some more films with this talented actress;
Thank you so much, Gill! I look forward to diving into your post and celebrating Kim this weekend ❤
Hello there! I uploaded my post a bit early:
Really looking forward to this! 🙂
Hi Ruth! Thanks very much 🙂 Same here…it’s gonna be a great weekend!