Clap those hands, put up the Japanese lanterns, and sway your hips to the sweet strains of “Moonglow”… the party is about to begin!

The legendary actress and artist Kim Novak turned 89 years young on February 13th of this year, and now it’s our turn to celebrate her incredible life, career, and what it is about this woman that makes her such a special presence in the pantheon of Old Hollywood stars.

From the moment I saw Kim Novak in Vertigo, she mesmerized me; not only with her beauty, but with her mystique and aura. She was dignified and graceful, but unlike many other Hollywood beauties, Kim did not seem of this world. She had an indefinable quality that drew me in.

As I observed more of her work while growing into my teen years, I realized her remarkable ability to bring depth and vulnerability to every part. Additionally, there was something real and raw behind this woman’s performances, they weren’t just part of “the show.” I sensed that before my very eyes, she was baring her soul.
As we have now seen from her spectacular art and the choices she has made in life, Kim is an individualist through and through, and perhaps it is this quality of being true to one’s self combined with her gentle, caring nature that has made her performances so emotionally honest, endlessly captivating, and forever enduring.

I’m honored to be joined by a wonderful group of bloggers who admire Kim as much as I do. So sit back, relax, and get ready for a weekend full of all things related to this terrific actress, talented artist, and exemplary human being.
❤ Happy 89th Birthday, Miss Novak ❤
Thank you for so many wonderful performances!

Participants, thank you very much for sharing your time and talent with us! Please leave me a link to your contributions in the comments below and I will add them to the roster as soon as I can.
Readers, thank you for being here. I appreciate your support and I can guarantee there will be lots of great reading material ahead!
Alright everyone, enjoy! See you on Tuesday for the wrap-up!

The Roster

The Classic Movie Muse | Book Review – Kim Novak: Her Art and Life by Kim Novak

18 Cinema Lane | The Man with the Golden Arm (1955)

Realweegiemidget Reviews | The Mirror Crack’d (1980)

Silver Screenings | Pushover (1954)

Taking Up Room | Vertigo (1958)

I Found it at the Movies | Book Review – Kim Novak: Reluctant Goddess

Critica Retro | Bell, Book and Candle (1958)

The Sacred in the Secular | Bell, Book and Candle (1958)

Box Office Poisons | Boys’ Night Out (1962)

Whimsically Classic | Pal Joey (1957)

The Sacred in the Secular | Vertigo (1958)

The Wonderful World of Cinema | Picnic (1955)

Magic Time | The Notorious Landlady (1962)

Diary of a Movie Maniac | Middle of the Night (1959)

Movies Meet Their Match | Kim Novak’s Appearance on What’s My Line?

Phyllis Loves Classic Movies | Phffft (1954)

Totalleemac | Thank You, Kim Novak: From One Artist to Another
Thanks for hosting this, and hoping this lovely lady gets a yearly tribute… but no pressure as your blogathons are always fabulous xx
Thank you, Gill! I can’t wait to make the rounds and read all the posts. Oh yes, I would love to make this a yearly event ❤️
Looking forward to reading the posts for future inspiration… and not just for a blogathon…
A lovely lady Kim Novak, adept at both comedy and drama, she was at her peak in Vertigo.
She was terrific in Vertigo, wasn’t she? One of those born to play roles, like Vivien Leigh with Scarlett O’Hara.
Here it is my review of Bell, Book and Candle:
Thank you, Le! I’m looking forward to reading your post 🙂
Here’s my analysis of Bell Book & Candle:
Vertigo tomorrow. <3
Thank you, Charity! 🙂 Looking forward to diving in!
I look forward to reading the other entries when I have a few minutes! 🙂
Here’s my deep dive into Vertigo:
Thanks, Charity!!
As life started to calm down for me after my unexpectedly crazy, emergency-laden start to the new year at work, and I finally got my “IAWL table read” post out into the world, I contemplated joining in here. But I still knew shockingly little about Kim Novak, so I really had no idea where to start. Eventually, I came upon an interview she did with Robert Osborne for TCM. (It’s on TCM’s YouTube channel in full, titled “Actress Kim Novak Discusses Hollywood and Her Career with Robert Osborne”.) And I must say, if her own words in this in-depth, life-encompassing convo are any indication, your instincts about her are right on the money! 😀 Her view on acting especially struck me (because I think it would be similar to my own). It seems she went into her career wanting to bring her self and her feelings to her characters, like you observed in her. When talking about her approach to acting, I think she even used the exact phrase “baring my soul” once! It’s also why she prefers visual arts – because you can express yourself “one on one”, without anyone interfering or telling you what to do. Interestingly, she doesn’t seem to see acting as a completely creative outlet, and says if she didn’t have her art as a way of expressing herself, she wouldn’t have survived.
Another connection I felt with her is in how she views life. She spoke about wanting to walk through doors that opened easily, and how she felt the opportunities for which you’re meant will come to you without a fight. It’s why she pursued acting and stardom (an opportunity that basically fell in her lap), even though her first love was visual arts. And it’s why she walked away. She did express some doubts and said she wonders if she should’ve been more aggressive or persistent, but ultimately feels that’s against her nature. I’m the same way – but this mindset is so contrary to the “push, hustle, fight” mentality that seems to be prevalent, and even praised, in our culture. Knowing that someone who walks through life as I do was able to create such a lovely life for themselves made me feel good. <3
I almost wrote a post about this, but thought it might be a silly effort since I’d basically just be repeating things anyone could watch Kim say herself, and most of her fans have probably already seen it, anyway (or gotten the same info from another source). But I am glad I watched it, and just in case you haven’t seen it, I’m glad to share it with you. 🙂 I look forward to learning more about Kim through these posts!
I’m so glad you found that wonderful interview, Jillian! 🙂 It is an absolute treasure ❤ I have watched it a few times, and it still moves me.
I think for creatives, any imposition on their process of self expression is going to lead to dissatisfaction. And as you know, the control of the studio system was ridiculously intense. Kim loved when directors would let her express herself through her characters and listened to her interpretation of them, but those were few and far between.
It is comforting that she was able to find peace and happiness, isn’t it? It must not have been an easy choice, but she trusted her intuition which was telling her it was time to go. She also saw the tragic trend for the sex symbols of her time…
Thank you for sharing what you’ve learned! I’m thrilled you had such a lovely introduction to her. If you’re wanting some recommendations for Kim’s films I’ve got a few for you 🙂 Vertigo, Picnic, The Man with the Golden Arm, Middle of the Night. There are more but those are essentials ❤ Hope you’re having a lovely weekend!
Hello! Here’s my post:
Thanks for letting me join!
Hi Jess, thank you for contributing! Can’t wait to read this 🙂
Here’s my post on “Pal Joey.”
Thank you, Kayla! 🙂
Hi Ari! Here is my article on Picnic! Thank so much for hosting! 🙂
Hi Virginie! Thank you, looking forward to reading this! 🙂
Hi, Ari! Here’s my entry. Thanks so much for arranging this!
Hi Laurie! Thank you, I’m looking forward to reading this!! 🙂
Here is my review of Middle of the Night (1959):
Thank you, Eric! Can’t wait to read your thoughts on this one 🙂
I just got my post up on her appearance on What’s My Line?! Thanks for hosting this! (I would link to it in my comment here, but whenever I do that I have noticed WordPress eats my comment and never shares it…anyway, it’s the most recent one on my blog. Thanks for hosting!)
Chloe the MovieCritic | Movies Meet Their Match
Thanks very much, Chloe! I’ll add you now 🙂
Here’s my post on “Phffft!”
Thanks for being understanding 🙂
Thank you, Laura! Can’t wait to read this 🙂