A 100th Blog Post Celebration! It’s the Sunshine Award

Hello, friends!

I hope its nice and sunny where you are. But, if you’re experiencing a gray, overcast day, I’m bringing some blogosphere sunshine your way!

First of all, I’d like to thank the lovely Virginie from The Wonderful World of Cinema for graciously honoring me with this award. Be sure and stop by her fabulous blog for all kinds of cinematic goodness!

Secondly, I’d like to raise a glass to the Muse on her 100th blog post! And to you, friends, for sticking by me with your support, here’s to you. I’ve loved getting to know each one of you through our shared loved of classic movies and interactions here and look forward to what the future holds! Thank you 🙂

  • List the award’s official rules
  • Display the award’s official logo somewhere on your blog
  • Thank the person who nominated you
  • Provide a link to your nominator’s blog
  • Answer your nominator’s questions
  • Nominate up to 11 bloggers
  • Ask your nominees 11 questions
  • Notify your nominees by commenting on at least one of their blog posts

Without further ado, let’s get to Virginie’s questions!

1- You’re part of a film cast and crew. What is your role? Editor, director, actor, sound designer? Tell me!

I love this question! I’ve always been passionate about many aspects of filmmaking, the visual aspects of filmmaking especially. More and more, I find myself interested in production and direction. Mostly because of the creative control you can have so the finished product is as close to how you’ve imagined and dreamed it would be.

2- Is there a film you feel will always stand the test of time? It will never feel old and could have been made pretty much any time. It can be a recent film or something older.

Lawrence of Arabia (1962). I recently saw this film for the first time *craazy, I know* and was blown away by its beauty, scope, and story. It definitely looks like it could have been shot yesterday.

3- What is your favourite opening titles sequence?

Disney’s One Hundred and One Dalmatians (1961), dahling 😉

4- Who do you think is the worst villain in film history? One that is particularly cruel.

Tough question! I’m going to go with Adenoid Hynkel from The Great Dictator (1940).

5- What is your favourite short film? We don’t discuss short films enough, no?

The Red Balloon (1956). It is absolute magic.

6- Is there a blogging article you didn’t particularly enjoy writing? Why?

An answer is eluding me on this one…so sorry! One I did find particularly difficult writing was my latest post on Camelot (1967). I think because the film touches me deeply, and I wanted to capture/relate some of that intangible feeling through my post.

I’ll link the post here: The Dreamers of Lerner & Loewe’s Camelot (1967)

7- What is your favourite set-up for blog writing? Do you have something to drink? Put on some music? Do you stay at home or go somewhere else? Etc.

I am at home in my living room usually curled up in a cozy chair with blankets. And yes, music is a must, always! It must be instrumental music while I’m writing. If it has lyrics I’ll start typing those instead of my article! 😉

8- What is something film-related people wouldn’t expect about you?

I own a recreation of the Rear Window charm bracelet Grace Kelly wears in the film. It’s my favorite piece of onscreen jewelry ever.

9- Which filming location would you like to visit?

I have it on my bucket list to visit beautiful Mackinac Island where Somewhere in Time (1980) was filmed. Bonus: Scenes from the Esther Williams musical This Time for Keeps (1947) also was shot here!

10- You’re the owner of a new pet and name it after the main character of the last film you watch. What is it?

Funnily enough, Mr. Hoppy from the British television film Esio Trot (2015)! A delightfully charming tale in which a tortoise inspires a bashful bachelor (Dustin Hoffman) to pursue the woman (Judi Dench) he loves. Available for free with ads on Tubi and YouTube 🙂

11- Is there a film you think has good potential to be made into a TV series?

Something adventure themed always is a good bet! How about Lost Horizon (1937)?

And that’s a wrap…Thanks again, Virginie, for nominating me!! I appreciate it so much 🙂

Now onto my nominees and their questions. Today, I’ll be nominating 4 talented bloggers (since I am playing catch up with a few award posts on the way.) These are writers whose passion, creativity, and fine work is a delight to read and experience. I encourage you to give them a visit and follow if you haven’t had the pleasure of doing so already!

My nominees

The Questions

  1. Who is your favorite composer from the studio era?
  2. Is there a movie quote that you relate to or most closely sums up who you are as an individual?
  3. Are you the only member of your family who is a cinephile?
  4. Pick one! Sunset Boulevard (1950) or All About Eve (1950)?
  5. Have you visited any filming locations in person?
  6. Have you seen any movie props or costumes in person?
  7. Do you have a favorite love theme from the movies?
  8. If you could be an Alfred Hitchock hero/heroine for a day who would you be?
  9. Pick one! Irving Berlin or Cole Porter?
  10. (I’m borrowing this one from Virginie because it’s a teriffic question): You’re part of a film cast and crew. What is your role? Editor, director, actor, sound designer? Tell me!
  11. You are given the chance to design a costume for a lead in a classic movie. You can choose any star. Who is it?

Thanks for reading, all! Have a wonderful weekend!

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  1. Happy 100th, .. love your answers. Especially the Somewhere in Time one. I so want to recreate a certain scene when she sees him on the balcony.. it’s soooo romantic. And a favourite film I would love to read your thoughts on it.
    Adorable 101 Dalmatians video too…

    1. Forgot to mention you will love the Lost Horizon 1973 movie. It’s a Burt Bacharach musical and just perfect for you.

    2. theclassicmoviemuse

      Thank you so much, Gill! Oooh that sounds absolutely dreamy <3 and your reenactment must be captured on video! Delightful to hear you love SIT too... It's everything a romantic film should be, isn't it?

      Re. 101 Dalmatians: It was one of the few opening titles I enjoyed as a little one, so it was my first choice. How they can make spots so entertaining is beyond me 😉

      Thanks again for stopping by and for your lovely comment xo!

  2. Congratulations on 100 posts, Ari. Quite the achievement. What’s been your favourite?

    I agree that Lost Horizon would make for a terrific TV series. Glad you enjoyed Lawrence Of Arabia. My hat always goes off to David Lean for managing to put that one together. It is stunning.


    1. theclassicmoviemuse

      Many thanks, Maddy! 🙂 One that I can think of is this review here: https://theclassicmoviemuse.com/2021/10/02/prince-of-players-1955-a-shakespearean-ode-to-the-beauty-and-pain-of-life/

      Re. Lawrence of Arabia: You’re so right! As I watched the making on YouTube, I realized Lean and his team really did perform a miracle. Their dedication is inspiring.

      Thanks again for stopping by and for your lovely comment! Best wishes xo

      1. Prince Of Players looks good. Have yet to see it but have added to my ever growing to watch list.

        The making of Lawrence is even more of an achievement than the film itself in many ways. A staggering achievement.

        Maddy x

        1. Would love to hear your thoughts on Prince of Players, Maddy. In my opinion, it’s a hidden gem. I am looking forward to Lean’s The Passionate Friends. I remember you recommending it highly.

          Couldn’t agree more on Lawrence! “Staggering” is the word xo

          1. I hope to see it.
            Hope you enjoy The Passionate Friends, Ari. Let me know what you think. Claude Rains and Ann Todd at their best. x

  3. Firstly, congratulations on the century of posts – well done.
    I enjoyed browsing through your answers, most interesting. And then I saw my blog pop up as a nominee – thank you very much for that.

    1. theclassicmoviemuse

      Colin, thank you! Your nomination is well and truly deserved 🙂 I’d love to read your answers.

      Thanks again for stopping by and for your lovely comment!

  4. Congratulations on the century of posts, a significant achievement.
    I enjoyed browsing through your answers, very interesting. And then I was delighted to see my blog among the nominees. Thanks very much for that.

  5. 🥳🎉🍿 Congratulations on your 100th post, Ari! A wonderful accomplishment and a true credit to your love for and dedication to classic films 🥰🍿Thank you so much for sharing and continuing to share your insights and memories with us 💝

    Such a fab way to celebrate! I really enjoyed reading your answers to these great questions.
    One Hundred and One Dalmatians! I haven’t seen it in years 🥰 Ahhh those titles brought the memories flooding back!

    I stumbled across Esio Trot randomly on tv a few years ago and thought it was delightful 😊
    Oh my gosh, The Red Balloon 🥹🎈Again, it has been years, but I still tear up just thinking about it! (And from all that running the little boy had to do 😅)

    And excuse me…
    “ I own a recreation of the Rear Window charm bracelet Grace Kelly wears in the film.”
    😧🫶💕No way!!!!! Amazing!!!

    Thank you so much for the nomination and for posing such mind-bending questions!
    I’m on it 😉💕

    1. Lee, my heart is so full of gratitude <3 Thank you very much, dear friend!! I'm delighted to hear you found and enjoyed Esio Trot. Don't you want to invite Mr. Hoppy and Mrs. Silver over for dinner and dancing? ;) They are the cutest. Re: The Red Balloon...o my yes, and I can see where Pixar got some inspo for Up! You're very welcome...yayyy! I am looking forward to your answers!! xo

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