A few weeks ago Zoe from Hollywood Genes nominated me for the Liebster Award! Thank you so much, Zoe! The Liebster Award is a way to reach out, connect, and encourage each other in the blogging community.

In order to accept this award there are a few rules to follow, so without further delay let’s begin…
The rules for the Liebster Award:
- Thank the nominator in your award post.
- Place the award logo somewhere on your blog.
- You must state up to 11 facts about yourself.
- Complete the questions that your nominator provided.
- Nominate as many bloggers as you’d like (11 is the maximum).
- Ask your nominees a series of questions (11 is the maximum).
11 Facts about Myself:
- I watched GWTW as a teen so many times I practically have the movie memorized and can push a play button in my head to “watch it” with sound included.
- I was told by two different people in the same day about ten minutes of each other that I look like Anne Hathaway.
- The books on my shelves can be divided into mainly four categories: film; fiction; interior design; and music/art.
- For a project in high school I had to draw all 50 of the US flags and as a result I still have a pretty good grasp of them.
- Classic film inspired me to take up ballroom dancing. I’m no Ginger Rogers, but I intended to develop my skills in this area as I absolutely love it.
- As a youngster I would pretend I was Esther Williams in our backyard pool and imitate her routine from the one film I had of hers.
- As a kid, I once ate a bowl and a half of plain Cool Whip in one sitting and haven’t touched it since.
- I play two instruments.
- My favorite classical composers are Debussy, Tchaikovsky, and Rachmaninoff. As for popular music, the Great American Songbook is my jam – Jerome Kern, the Gershwins, Irving Berlin, Rodgers & Hammerstein.
- The Phantom of the Opera is my favorite stage show. I have seen it three times, and would gladly see it again.
- I have never broken a bone – knock on wood!
My 11 Questions from Zoe
What is the strangest or most off-brand topic/thing you’ve blogged about?
I’m afraid I don’t have an answer for this one as I try to keep everything on topic as best I can.
Who or what inspired you to start blogging?
One day after watching a film and looking it up online, I came across some of the lovely blogs that I am in contact with now. I thought, “Hey, I wanna do what these people are doing – to join them by way of spreading and sharing my love of classic movies with others.” These films are too great to be lost to obscurity and deserve to be noticed and appreciated for the wonderful pieces of art that they are.
Recast one of your favorite classic movies (pre 1970s) with modern actors.

VERTIGO (1958)
- Jessica Biel as Madeleine Elster
- Daniel Craig as Scottie Ferguson
- Reese Witherspoon as Midge Wood

Recast one of your favorite modern movies with classic actors.

- Ingrid Bergman as Sophie
- Gregory Peck as Eisenheim
- Claude Rains as Inspector Uhl
- Vincent Price as Crown Prince Leopold

What is a book that you would love to see adapted into a film and why?
I read a book as a youngster that I loved called The Ordinary Princess by M. M. Kaye. It is a lovely tale with a wonderful message about being loved for who you really are – not for money, status, or appearance. The princess in the story is plucky, self-reliant, happy with who she is and takes the reins in delegating how her life plays out.
What do you consider the biggest misstep behind the scenes in the cinema world (i.e. not casting someone for a role, a specific directorial choice, a remake that shouldn’t have happened, an interview that went on to haunt someone, etc.)

No disrespect to Bogie, but if I was casting Sabrina (1953) I would have cast someone else as Linus Larrabee. Maybe Rock Hudson would have worked…I could see him playing the strictly business type turned soft by Audrey’s charms.
What do you consider the most fascinating film community scandal (past or present)?
Too many to name!
Which actor or actress do you think died way too soon and where would you have liked to see their career go had they lived?
Oh, there are so many I could go with here but my heart always goes out to Marilyn Monroe. She had the intelligence and the popularity to go up higher in the industry. She did have her own production company and I’m sure she could have kept going up the ladder if her life had permitted.
Which actor or actress missed their calling in a specific genre and why do you think they would or would have excelled in this vein?

I would say Merle Oberon. In The Cowboy and the Lady (1938) she showed she had some comedic chops as well as being a fine dramatic actress.
Which 6 guests would you invite to your Hollywood party and why these specific 6?
Oh yay, I love this question! I would invite Vivien Leigh, Clark Gable, Grace Kelly, William Holden, Lucille Ball, and Marlon Brando. I think besides being very talented as well as some of my favorite actors, these six would make a fine bunch to give advice about many things and would be all around awesome to hang out with.
Which onscreen outfit would you wear everyday if you could and why did you pick this one?

Grace Kelly’s dress from Rear Window (1954). Because it would make me feel beautiful and the skirt looks roomy enough to move around in and be comfortable. Wearing white all day would make me nervous though! I wouldn’t want to get it dirty 😉
The Nominees
- Pure Entertainment Preservation Society
- The Classic Hollywood Blog
- Classic Film Journal
- Femnista
- Hollywoodland Photos
My Questions for the Nominees
- When did you first become interested in classic film?
- What is your favorite movie quote?
- If you had to choose 5 movies to take with you to a deserted island what would they be and why those 5?
- Who is the latest actor/director etc. that you’ve discovered and where/how did you discover them?
- What’s something you’ve learned about yourself from blogging?
Congrats to the nominees!

Thanks for reading and for visiting The Classic Movie Muse!
Congratulations. Lovely post
Thank you very much! 🙂
Oh, that casting for The Illusionist is so good! The original is one of my favorites, but I would have loved to see those actors in it! Claude Rains did those kinds of roles so well.
Reblogged this on Abitsa.
Yikes! A bowl and a half of Cool Whip in one sitting. Oh well, different strokes for different folks. My highly questionable food choice would have been Fluffernutter. Marshmallow fluff in a jar, when combined with peanut butter (I preferred Kraft smooth), was heaven on earth. One question I would have asked was to recast a perfect film (Mr. Smith Goes to Washington, 1939) and re-cast it with modern-day actors.
Yes, I loved Cool Whip at one point, but after that, nope! Haha. Oh, I remember making Fluffernutter sandwiches…yum! Cool! Who would you cast in the film?
Oh my goodness, I LOVE The Ordinary Princess!!! It was one of my favorite books as a kid and I had a huge crush on Perry. I loved the artwork in the book, as well. Amy with her freckles. ❤️
Yay, it’s a great one! The illustrations were gorgeous! I still have my copy somewhere 🙂
I like your idea of Rock Hudson as Linus in Sabrina. That would have been fabulous.
Also: It’s adorable that you used to pretend to be Esther Williams. If I had known about Esther as a kid, I would have done the same thing!
We can dream Ruth 😉 I would have liked to see Rock and Audrey together. He has a Cary Grant-ness about him and she paired well with Cary. A comedy between them would have been so fun! 🙂 Esther is still a fav and I’m feeling I need to do a post on her soon…