Grab those umbrellas, practice your Lina Lamont imitations, and go on a search for the biggest puddles in town (bonus if you find a bush along the way)!

2022 marks the 70th Anniversary of a beloved musical – MGM’s happiest, splashiest, Technicolor extravaganza Singin’ in the Rain (1952)!

Singin’ in the Rain holds an almost mythical status in film history.
For some, it is a go-to comfort film and to others it is the greatest musical ever made.
Through the passage of time, Singin’ has gained fans and admirers from every age group. Many sourcing the film as a gateway into classic movies and/or giving them an interest in musicals.

Whatever power the film has over audiences, there’s no denying its magic is timeless and will continue to give us that glorious feeling each time we traverse the soaked streets with Gene Kelly, swoon with Debbie Reynolds at her lucky star, and goof around with Donald O’Connor on the lot of Monumental Pictures.

Let’s cool down the long, hot days of summer with a fun-tastic blogathon celebrating all things about this iconic movie!

Here are some ideas to get you started…
- Pre-Production
- Post-Production
- The Casting
- The Cast
- The Character Actors
- The Directors
- The Writers
- The Costumes
- The Music
- The Choreography
- Favorite Moments
- Personal Remembrances
- Scene Analysis
- Remaining Cast Members
- Books about the Film
- Nominations & Awards
- The Legacy of the Film

The Nitty Gritty
1. For this blogathon you may write about anything pertaining to Singin’ in the Rain (1952). This is a celebratory blogathon, so please keep your post respectful of the film and the creative team behind it.
2. A topic may be covered no more than 2 times, however there are no limits on personal remembrances of the film.
3. I will be accepting no more than 2 posts per person. All contributions must be new material only.
4. In your post, please include one of the blogathon banners and link back to my blog post that I will release on July 8th so that others may read the wonderful entries.
5. To express your interest in participating, simply leave me a comment below with the name and URL of your blog and your topic of choice. I will add you to the roster once I’ve confirmed your topic.
6. The blogathon will take place on July 8th-11th, 2022. Please publish and send your link to me on a day that the event is running.
7. Twitter users: Tag me when tweeting your post so that I can share your post with my followers! Here’s my Twitter handle: @classymoviemuse
Please help yourself to a banner from down below to include in your post and to help spread the word on social media.
I am looking forward to celebrating the 70th anniversary of Singin’ in the Rain with you!

Thanks, blogging friends, see you in July!
List of Participants
The Classic Movie Muse | 7 Favorite Moments from Singin’ in the Rain
The Caffeinated Fangirl | Don & Kathy’s Romance in Song
Poppity Talks Classic Film | “Moses Supposes” Sequence
Whimsically Classic | The Songs of Singin in the Rain
Silver Screenings | Auctioned Props and Costumes
Taking Up Room | The Song “Singin’ in the Rain” in the Movies
Nitrateglow | Analysis of “The Broadway Melody” Number
Critica Retro | Coverage of Singin’ in the Rain in the Brazilian Press
Realweegiemidget Reviews | Film and TV Mentions of Songs from Singin’ in the Rain
18 Cinema Lane | Review of Singin’ in the Rain (1952)
I Found It at the Movies | The Choreography of Singin’ in the Rain (1952)
Hamlette’s Soliloquy | My Kids’ Thoughts on Singin’ in the Rain (1952)
Totalleemac | Book Review – Singin’ in the Rain : The Making of an American Masterpiece by Earl J. Hess & Pratibha A. Dabholkar
In the Good Old Days of Classic Hollywood | Debbie Reynolds: Her Life & Career
A Person in the Dark | A Tribute to Lina Lamont
Silent-ology | Singin’ in the Rain and the Silent Movie Era: What they Got Right/Wrong
Filmland Follies | A Costume Analysis of Singin’ in the Rain
The Flapper Dame | The Influence of Singin in the Rain on Other Films
Movies Meet Their Match | Don and Cosmo: The Ideal Best Friends
The Banners

I first saw Singin’ in the Rain in High School and ended up falling in love with it. I’m normally picky with Musicals, but this one and a few others I really enjoy, just something whimsical and magical to it, added by the Hollywood behind the scenes look.
You’ve said it perfectly – there is something whimsical and magical about this film that captures so many. I’m so glad to hear you are a fan of this one, Moviefanman. Hope you have a great weekend! 🙂
Singin’ in the Rain is my favorite movie musical of all time, so of course I have to join this blogathon. I’d like to do a ‘personal remembrances’ post. This musical is so special to me, and the memories that surround it are very dear to my heart. <3
Thank you for hosting this! I wouldn't have even known 2022 was the 70th anniversary of the film without your post. 🙂
Absolutely, I’ll add you straight away. Thanks so much for joining, Eva-Joy! 🙂 I’m looking forward to your post.
Hey, could I actually change the topic I write about? Because I got hit by inspiration to write a post about how the songs in the film show the progression of Don and Kathy’s romance. =)
Hi Eva-Joy! Sure, that sounds completely lovely ❤
I’d like to write about the songs in Singin in the Rain if I can.
Great idea…Thank you for joining, Kayla! 🙂
Hi, Ari! I’d like to write about all the times the song “Singin’ In the Rain” was used in movies, including the 1952 one, if that’s OK. I can think of five off the top of my head.
Hi Rebecca! Sure, I’ll put you down right away. Thank you for joining us! 🙂
You’re very welcome! Thanks, Ari. 🙂
When I’m not being the oddball sports/movies guy, I have another side. I was a member of a rail museum for close to forty years. That means I can contribute “Story Time with J-Dub: The Under-Appreciated Star of Signin’ in the Rain: The Streetcar”
Fantastic! Thank you for joining, J-Dub 🙂
An unfortunate turn of of events requires me to withdraw from your event. Apologies in advance, and if you ever revisit this subject, I’m sure nobody is going to take my topic 🙂
No worries, I hope everything is OK on your end. Thank you for letting me know, J-Dub! 🙂
Can I do an analysis of the Broadway Melody musical number?
Of course! Thanks very much for joining, Nitrateglow 🙂
What a glorious idea! I’m bringing some opinions from under the Equator to the blogathon: I want to write about the coverage of Singin’ in the Rain in the Brazilian press.
Le from Crítica Retrô
Sounds great! Thank you for joining us, Le 🙂
Just adding this blogathon link to my Facebook group if thats ok with you Ari! And that description of my intended post is just perfect
That’s very sweet of you, Gill! Thank you very much ❤
No problems!
I’m going to be honest; I have never seen ‘Singin in the Rain’. So your blogathon is giving me a good excuse to do so! Since this is my first time seeing the movie, I think my review will provide a unique perspective.
Ooo I’m excited for you, Sally! Thank you for joining the blogathon. I’m looking forward to your review 🙂
I’d like to share something involving my kids’ thoughts on this wonderful classic. Would that work? I’m thinking something like they each talk about their favorite song(s) in it.
Sure! Thank you for joining us, Rachel and kids 🙂
This is one of my very favorite musicals ever!
There’s so much to write about here, but I could write about the choreography. Between Gene Kelly and Donald O’Connor there’s plenty of material to work with. 🙂
Yay! That sounds great, Debbi! Thank you for joining us 🙂
Oh, and here’s the link to my blog! But you knew that, right? 🙂
🥳☔️ Good morning, good mooooorning Ari!
70 has never looked nor sounded better 🎥😉🌂💕!
I would love to review the book ‘Singin’ in the rain : the making of an American masterpiece’ by Earl J. Hess & Pratibha A. Dabholkar, if
I may? (Better run it by Lena first though, or she may “Suuuuue”) x
It’s all yours, Lee! Thank you for joining us 🙂 ❤
And a grand idea to run it by Lina…wouldn’t want to tarnish that reputation now would we?
“Dignity, always Dignity.”
Singin In The Rain is a masterpiece for sure. I’d like to write about Debbie Reynold’s if I may? It will be a life story on her?
My blog: In The Good Old Days Of Classic Hollywood.
That would be perfect! Thank you for joining, Crystal 🙂
Count me in! I would like to write a tribute to the one, the only Lina Lamont. my blog is A Person in the Dark.
Ooo yes, please do! We couldn’t have a proper blogathon without that “shimmering glowing star” making an appearance. Thank you for joining, Flickchick! 🙂
Hello! I can’t pass this blogathon up, this being my favourite film of all time and all. 🙂 I’d love to continue an essay on Singin in the Rain and the silent movie era–a comparison of what they got right/ wrong.
Lea S.
Hi Lea! That sounds fantastic – can’t wait to read it…Thank you for joining us! 🙂
Hello! I’m terrible at keeping up with my blog comments, but thank you for inviting me! I’d love to write a costume analysis.
~ Maeve from Filmland Follies
Hi Maeve! So glad to have you on board and I love your topic choice. Thank you for joining the blogathon! 🙂
Hi! I’d like to do Singin in the Rain’s influence on other films!
Hi Emily, you got it! Thanks so much for joining us 🙂
Hello, Muse!
When I saw this announcement I was so excited because you’ve been tackling all my favorite films (this and Wonderful Life claim the top two spots). I’m sorry it’s taken me so long to “sign up”! I want to talk about Cosmo Brown and how he and Don are the ideal best friends. Sort of an “ode” to him? XD I’ll come up with a title after I write it.
Great idea!
Love your idea! Welcome to the blogathon, Chloe 🙂
Hi there lovely,
Here’s my tribute for Day 1 of your fabulous tribute…
Thank you, lovely!
Good luck for tomorrow – really enjoyed researching these… got the songs in my head now.
Thank you! So glad you enjoyed ❤
Here’s what little I know about the choreography! 🙂
Thank you, Debbi! 🙂