About a week ago, I was happy to learn that The Classic Movie Muse is the proud recipient of the Blogger Recognition Award! My fellow blogger, Sally Silverscreen at 18 Cinema Lane, was kind enough to bestow this award on me. Thank you so much, Sally! Sally’s blog covers everything from Hallmark movies to contemporary movies to classic movies and if you haven’t stopped by her blog yet, I highly encourage you to visit!
Here’s the link to Sally’s blog: https://18cinemalane.wordpress.com/

The rules for the award are as follows:
- Thank the blogger who nominated you and provide a link to their blog.
- Place the award banner somewhere on your blog
- Share the story or history behind the creation of your blog.
- Provide two or more pieces of advice for new bloggers.
- Nominate 10 other bloggers and link their blogs.
- Share the exciting news with your nominees
The first two rules have been completed above, and now we move on to rule number three…
3. Share the story or history behind the creation of your blog.
Classic movies have always been one of my passions, but I never dreamed I’d have a blog about them. After watching a film, I usually look it up online to learn more about it, and one day I happened upon some of the blogs that I am in contact with now. The wonderful blogs and blogging community I encountered gave me a desire to start my own blog and to be a part of the community.
4. Provide two or more pieces of advice for new bloggers.
Since I am a fairly new blogger myself (nearly 4 months) I don’t feel very qualified to answer, but one thing that always helps in life is to not compare yourself with others. No one else has the same perspective, gifts, and essence as you do. Let your voice be heard for that is what makes you unique.
My second piece of advice is to have fun! Enjoy the process, and when things get tough (writer’s block, etc.), allow yourself some time away and come back to it later with a fresh mind.
5. Nominate 10 other bloggers and link their blogs.
- Movies Meet Their Match
- Classic for a Reason
- 4 Star Films
- Vienna’s Classic Hollywood
- Taking Up Room
- Vitaphone Dreamer
- Film Music Central
- Hometowns to Hollywood
- Once Upon a Screen
- Mike’s Take on the Movies
Congratulations to all the nominees!

Thanks for reading and for visiting The Classic Movie Muse!
Really good award post! You shared great advice that I whole-heartedly agree with! Keep up the good work!
Thanks so much, Sally! I appreciate your kind words and encouragement 🙂
You’re welcome! Have a wonderful weekend!
Thank you so much for nominating me! You write excellent articles!
It’s my pleasure. Thank you for the compliment!