Hello, all! I trust you’ve had a safe and happy Halloween!
We are ready to wrap up the blogathon…well, almost! There is another entry coming in and possibly a few stragglers, so keep your eyes on this page for the last of this Halloween celebration of legendary composer Bernard Herrmann!

We’ve had everything from movie reviews to personal remembrances shared over the weekend. The tones ranging from funny, touching, and enlightening to foreboding, dark, and frightening. Just what the doctor ordered when celebrating such a man and his contrasting body of work.
Bloggers, thank you for your appreciation and enthusiasm for Herrmann and for contributing to make this event a success! You’ve not only made this blogathon possible, you’ve made my first experience as hostess a wonderful one. For that I am very grateful!

In fact, I had so much fun, I’m already cooking up my next one. Stay tuned!
Comment below if you’d like to see this event come back next year! I would be more than happy to host it once again.
To round out the bash, I leave you with Herrmann’s personal favorite of his scores and one of mine as well, the wistful and romantic The Ghost and Mrs. Muir.
A perfect end to a perfect weekend. Thanks again!
I’ll report back with my final thoughts on this experience after I’ve read all of the entries (which I’m looking forward to doing) – but I’ve just got to take a second here to say WOW. That score is gorgeous! 😀 (I didn’t listen to the whole thing, but I heard enough to get a feel for the romantic, sweeping grandeur.) No wonder it was his favorite! <3
Awesome, can’t wait to hear about it, Jillian! So glad you liked the score from The Ghost and Mrs. Muir. It’s so different from Psycho, right? It is stunning and so is the movie! ❤
Hello! I just published my review of ‘The Trap’! Here’s the link:
Hi, Sally! Thank you! 🙂
You’re welcome!
Fabulous first blogathon! Really enjoyed it. As for the blogathon coming back, happy if you do as this was so much fun. Looking forward to seeing your next blogathon… And check out my latest blogathon post – out yesterday – as I would love you to join!
Thanks for your support, Gill! 🙂 I’m so glad you enjoyed this!
What a cool idea for a blogathon! I will be looking out for a topic and will get back to you asap with my choice 🙂 Thank you for the invite!
Thanks, looking forward to hearing your choice.
Love it if you held it again next year, really enjoyed reviewing Marnie… btw love you to join this; https://weegiemidget.wordpress.com/2021/11/01/the-bond-not-bond-blogathon/
I still need to read a few entries, but it was a lot of fun. Thanks!
I’m so glad you enjoyed the blogathon, Eric! 🙂 Thank you!
Well, it took me much longer than I anticipated, but I finally read my way through each and every entry in the blogathon. 🙂 It was so neat to learn more about Bernard Hermann, hear samples of his music, and meet more bloggers along the way. 🙂 Thank you again for this opportunity!
Out of all the fantastic scores highlighted, The Ghost and Mrs. Muir is still the one I enjoyed most. It’s not available for me to stream anywhere right now, but I know it’s a 20th Century Fox film and it’s aired on the Fox Movie Channel before. I’ll keep my eye out for it – and I’ll definitely let you know what I think when I get the opportunity to watch. 🙂
I usually read your posts through my Reader, but I hopped over to your site to listen to a bit of the score again (as a sort of a blogathon grand finale!), and I took a look around. 🙂 What does it mean to be a member of the Classic Movie Hub?
Wow, thanks for showing your support to everyone! I appreciate that and I know others do as well. I’m thrilled to hear that you enjoyed learning more about Herrmann and that you made connections while doing so 🙂
You’re very welcome, Jillian! It sounds like this was a wonderful intro into the land of blogathons for both of us.
Oh, it makes me so happy to hear that ❤ The Ghost and Mrs. Muir is one of my favorite movies and scores. I eagerly await your opinion on the film 🙂
Classic Movie Hub is a website that let’s you make lists of your favorites, they have a separate blog, and have loads of info on everything related to classic movies. It’s also a platform for advertising and finding out about blogathons.
Here’s the link if you want to become a member:
Also, I’m holding another blogathon in December. Would love to have you join us once again! 🙂
Thanks for the link! 🙂 I took a quick look…I didn’t see anything about membership, but it seems all features are available to anybody, anyway. There’s a lot going on over there! 😮
And yes, I forgot to mention in my last comment – I saw your announcement post, and I would love to participate! 🙂 But I want to rewatch before deciding on a topic…It’s a favorite of mine; I just haven’t seen it this year yet. And I want to look at it with fresh eyes, because you never know what may spark inspiration. 😉 But I see that several topics have already been chosen, so I know I better get on that soon! 😀
You’re welcome! So I looked further into CMH. On the home page it should say Join. I thought that’s all it took to become a member of CMH but apparently the Hub part is a platform for your blog posts to appear on their site. I’m going to apply for that now.
Fabulous, so glad you will be joining us! 🙂 I haven’t chosen my topic either. Yes, it’s so true. Inspiration strikes in mysterious ways and at unexpected times! We do have a good variety going on right now and those creative juices are flowing. So exciting!
Oooo…Cool! 🙂 Not that this matters, but I still don’t see how to register on the home page. (Go figure…Maybe it’s because I’m on my phone. Or I’m probably just overlooking something.) But it is clear in the link you just sent. And I saw something earlier about sharing your blog posts there, and I was like, “How???” Your link answers that, too! 🙂 (I didn’t mean to take up more of your time, but I appreciate you going deeper with this.) That’s such a neat feature! I’ll look into it more soon.
And, yes – when I scrolled through the comments on your announcement, I saw SEVERAL responses already. 😀 People know you’re a good hostess! 🙂
If you’re able to hop on desktop it should be there on the right hand side next to Visit Our Blog. It’s the Join button. Yay, glad to help!
You helped me see I was missing something with the Hub, so thank you! We are helping each other 🙂
Aww thanks, Jillian ❤ You’re too kind 🙂
I look forward to your topic choice!