It’s time to put those hands together, pop open some bubbly, and do the Charleston with Jimmy and Donna…

All weekend long here on The Muse we will be celebrating the 75th anniversary of It’s a Wonderful Life!

Frank Capra’s holiday classic overflows with joy and good humor, but it famously does not shy away from the bitterness of pain and sorrow that inevitably befalls all who enter into the human race.

It paints this picture so well, that aided by a stellar cast and James Stewart’s towering performance, we are able to feel right along with his eponymous hero, George Bailey.
That is why we are still talking about this movie – 75 years later. It touches something deep and intrinsic inside of us.

It’s a Wonderful Life is the Christmas gift that keeps on giving year after year – a work of art that remains timeless in its simplicity, beauty, and truth.
It’s hard to imagine the world without this movie as its so ingrained into our collective consciousness, and for my American friends, into our very culture.

Thankfully, the film which both Capra and Stewart quoted as the favorite of their careers, does exist. And it will continue to endure as long as there is humanity left in the world.
Happy 75th Anniversary to this Most Wonderful Film!!

As we board the train for Bedford Falls, I’d like to extend my gratitude to each and every participant for sharing their time and for the hard work they put in, especially during this busy holiday season.
Your dedication to this film warms my heart and I am so eager to dive into your posts.
P. S. We all must have been extra good this year because a special surprise and treat awaits…a few YouTubers will be joining us for this celebration!
Participants, please link your posts/contributions in the comments below and I will add them to the roster as soon as I can. See you on Tuesday for the wrap-up!
Once again, thank you, bloggers, readers, and friends for sharing in this special celebration.
Merry Christmas!!

The Roster

Realweegiemidget Reviews | It Happened One Christmas (1977)

A Person in the Dark | It’s a Wonderful (and Sexy) Kiss

Caftan Woman | Bert & Ernie: An Overview of the Careers of Ward Bond & Frank Faylen

The Edge of the Precipice | Review of The Greatest Gift by Phillip Van Doren Stern

The Classic Movie Muse | The 5 Keys to George Bailey’s Wonderful Life

Nitrateglow | H. B. Warner as Mr. Gower & An Overview of His Career

Taking Up Room | My Favorite Moments from It’s a Wonderful Life (1946)

Cine Gratia Cinema | The Noir Elements of It’s a Wonderful Life (1946)

Hamlette’s Soliloquy | Modern Dream Casting for It’s a Wonderful Life (1946)

Lee Mac | The Significance of Mark Twain’s The Adventures of Tom Sawyer in It’s a Wonderful Life (1946)

A Prolific Potpourri | A Reflection on Life – “It Doesn’t Always Feel Like…It’s a Wonderful Life”

I Found it at the Movies | My Mixed Feelings on It’s a Wonderful Life (1946)

The Flapper Dame | It’s A Wonderful Life: Still Important at 75 (and beyond!)

The Caffeinated Fangirl | 5 Times “It’s a Wonderful Life” Made Me Cry

18 Cinema Lane | In Defense of It’s a Wonderful Life

Ticklish Business | It’s a Wonderful Life: Nostalgia, Flashback, and Gender in the Holiday Classic

Old Books and Movies | Adventures in Odyssey’s Radio Show Remake“It’s a Pokenberry Christmas”

The Classic Film Connection | It’s a Wonderful Life, James Stewart, and George Bailey

It’s amazing how well the film has aged and has been continually praised throughout the years. It’s a Wonderful Life and A Christmas Story both have the unique distinction of having bombed when they were originally released theatrically, only to have been re-evaluated and become beloved through subsequent TV airings. A fine example of ‘Never say Never’.
Great trivia, Moviefanman! I didn’t know that about A Christmas Story. It amazes me that IAWL has been done to past the point of cliche but still hasn’t lost its potency all these years and viewings later.
Here’s mine! This holiday season has been crazy busy but I’ve tried my best to comb out all the typos that were riddling the first draft!
Fantastic…Thanks, Nitrateglow! 🙂
Here’s my post with my modern dream casting!
Terrific…thanks Rachel!
Latecomer but here’s mine
Thanks so much for joining, Matt! 🙂
Thanks so much for a cool idea.
“Hee-Haw” Ari! Here is the link to my entry 😉
Thank you so much for hosting such a fab event! x
“Hee-Haw” Lee! The pleasure is all mine. Thank YOU for joining! x
Hope I’m not too late! 🙂
You’re right on time! Thanks so much, Debbi 🙂
Hello Here is my post! Thanks for hosting the birthday blogathon for this marvelous film!
Hi Emily, thank you! You’re very welcome 🙂
Here’s my entry!
I had a lot of fun writing my post–thanks so much for hosting!
Thanks, Eva! So glad you enjoyed it. It’s my pleasure 🙂
I SO want to participate, and have been racking my mind to get something up these last few days, but it just happened to hit at the same time as finals. I hope that maybe I can get something up tonight, but I also have history and theology papers due soon which I have barely scraped the surface of doing…. so we’ll see. I’m so sorry because that’s such a lame excuse! Especially when we are talking about the best movie ever made! These posts have been great so far!
Chloe the MovieCritic | Movies Meet Their Match
Hi Chloe! No pressure, I’ll gladly accept posts tomorrow as well. If strapped for time, one idea is to put together a photo tribute to the movie – those are always nice.
If you’re unable to participate, I understand. It sounds like you have a ton going on. Glad you are enjoying the posts! Good luck with your finals!
Sorry for the late entry, but I just published my editorial for the blogathon! Here’s the link:
Thanks, Sally! If you’d be so kind as to include this link in your post, so that all the entries may be viewed, I’d greatly appreciate it.
Just added the link to my editorial!
Thanks so much, Sally!!
You’re welcome!
I finally have my post written.
Sorry it’s late.
Thank you very much! No worries 🙂
Here’s my post!:
I’m sorry it’s a little late, but I hope it is worth the wait! 🙂
Thanks, Jillian! No worries 🙂 I’m looking forward to reading it!
Just ran across this 1987 article in which James Stewart reminisces about making It’s a Wonderful Life and thought you might enjoy it 🙂
Beautiful article, love it!! Thanks so much for sharing, Rachel ❤
Hi, Ari! Sorry for the (embarrassing) lateness! My post is finally up: Thanks again for organizing this and bringing together so many great bloggers to celebrate this classic. 🙂
Thanks so much, Laurie! Please don’t give it another thought. I appreciate your contribution and look forward to reading it 🙂
This blogathon has been such a joy, thank you for joining us!