Announcing The “I Love Lucy” Blogathon: Celebrating the Talent Behind the Laughs!!

Hello, friends! I’m your Vitameatavegamin girl…

Yes, you’ve read that right! Coming your way for National Humor Month this April is The I Love Lucy Blogathon! A blogathon all about the laughter inducing, pioneering television show and the people who contributed to its never-ending charm and overwhelming success.

First, more about National Humor Month. The holiday was founded in 1976 by author Larry Wilde who wanted to spread awareness of the therapeutic value of laughter.

National Day Calendar has this to say on the subject:

“Humor plays an essential role in our overall health. The ability to smile, laugh, and play is directly related to the way we express our personalities…The more we laugh at ourselves, the better suited we are for the world around us, too! Jokes and general silliness help to increase our heart rate and blood flow bringing oxygen to our brain and vital organs. A sparkle dances in our eyes as hormones flood our bodies reducing pain and stress.”

Lucy gets caught up in a love triangle with Edward Everett Horton in “Lucy Plays Cupid”

This April, let’s kick back, embrace silliness, and indulge in a spirit of fun. Let’s celebrate those behind this timeless show who bring side splitting laughter to millions, lifting spirits with 181 episodes of outrageous ‘stravaganzas and fun filled escapades.

If you’ve always dreamed of hatching a plan with Lucy, this is your time to tell all! Have you been waiting to write a post about the wonderful character actors in the show that you’ve often seen pop up in your favorite classic movies? Everything from animated Disney productions (Verna Felton, Hans Conried, Will Wright, Eleanor Audley) to sci-fi and horror classics (Karl Freund) to crime dramas (Allen Jenkins) were elevated by the presence of these often unsung artists.

♥ The Nitty Gritty ♥

1.This blogathon aims to highlight the incredible talent both in front of and behind the screen that contributed to I Love Lucy (1951-1957). The Lucy-Desi Comedy Hour, while similar and fun, is not the focus of this event. Please keep your content respectful, otherwise it will not be accepted.

2. Both feature film and TV movie reviews are eligible for this event; however, reviews of television/radio shows outside of I Love Lucy are not. A career overview is an exception to this rule. Please reference the list below for what kinds of posts will be eligible.

2. There will be a limit of 3 posts per participant and no more than 2 duplicates for each topic. However, the duplicates do not include favorite list posts or the upcoming tag. We want everyone who desires to share their favorites and/or participate in the tag!

3. All contributions must be new material only.

4. In your post, please include one of the blogathon banners and link back to my blog post that I will publish on April 10th so that others may read the wonderful entries.

5. To express your interest in participating, simply leave me a comment below with the name and URL of your blog and your topic of choice. I will add you to the roster once I’ve confirmed your topic.

6. The blogathon will take place on April 10th-12th, 2025. Please publish and send your link to me on a day that the event is running.

* Eligible Topic Ideas *

Click here for a full list of Cast & Crew

  • Movie reviews featuring recurring cast/crew members (2 or more episodes) of I Love Lucy (1951-1957) – no celebrity guests, please, unless they appear in the film with a recurring cast/crew member, that is 😉
  • Reviews of I Love Lucy episodes
  • Book reviews
  • Favorite lists of all kinds
  • Overview of a cast/crew member’s career
  • The celebrity guest appearances on ILL
  • Tribute posts
  • The fashion of I Love Lucy

If you have any questions regarding your topic of choice, don’t hesitate to ask…also, please help yourself to a banner to spread the word!

♥ In Closing ♥

To add to the fun, I will put together an I Love Lucy tag which I will post on March 7th. For anyone who doesn’t have the time to write a longer post, this a great way for you to share your love of Lucy and the gang! (Many thanks to Rachel of Hamlette’s Soliloquy for this idea)!

So why not join our group of happy, peppy bloggers and get your name on the roster today! That’s April 10 -12 😉

♥ The Handy Dandy Roster ♥

The Classic Movie Muse – My Answers to The I Love Lucy Tag

The Classic Movie Muse – TBA

Realweegiemidget Reviews – Deadly Messages (1985)

Classic Film and TV Corner – I Love Lucy episode “L. A. at Last”

Crocheted Stories – Book Review: Laughing with Lucy: My Life with America’s Leading Lady of Comedy by Madelyn Pugh Davis, Bob Carroll

* Mark your Calendar *

March 7th – The I Love Lucy Tag

April 10 – Blogathon Showtime!

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  1. Wonderful topic, Ari. Fab banners. I need some cheering up right now so this will be a lot of fun. Could I please write about my favourite I Love Lucy episode. It is the episode L.A. At Last.
    Maddy x

    1. theclassicmoviemuse

      Welcome aboard, Maddy! Thanks for joining…that’s one of my favorites too 🙂 Bill is great in it, isn’t he? <3 Sending hugs xo

      1. He’s so good in it. It’s one of the funniest episodes for sure.

        Thanks. Hope all good with you. x

  2. Oh what a brilliant idea for a blogathon ❤️✨!
    May I jump on board with a book review of ‘Laughing with Lucy: My Life with America’s Leading Lady of Comedy’ by Madelyn Pugh Davis with Bob Carroll?
    Cheers, Ari🥂✨ I’m looking forward to sharing in all the laughs already 😄 Xx

    1. theclassicmoviemuse

      Sounds fabulous! <3 Thanks so much for joining, Lee! Yayy! Same here and looking forward to your review xo 🙂

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